Friday, July 15, 2011


I think every mom has a load of guilt that they carry. Guilt that their home isn't clean enough, organized enough or decorated as well as it should be. Guilt that they dont do enough for their kids, spend enough time with them or school them enough. I can sit around and beat myself up about what I don't do well and let it steal my joy or I can accept I can always improve and spend everyday enjoying the wonderful family I have been blessed with.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

To Write

Writing has been an outlet, a way to process thought and beliefs. A way to look deeper into my heart and mind and express the truth, even if its only the way I see it. It helps me to be honest without fear of others, fear of reactions and debate.
What holds me back from writing are all the rules, correct grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. But the advice I have been given by an award winning author is not to let rules hold you back from writing.
Writing is an expression an art, let it flow with out restraint. Allow the soul to be free.