Monday, December 17, 2012


My Monday started with crying kids that didn't want to go to school. When I dropped them off they realised they had forgotten their book bags at home. So I had to drive home and get them.

I thought a good workout would help with a bumpy morning, but the parking lot was completely full so I had to turn around and return home. I got a call from my son about a permission form so I went to my computer to email his teacher. The computer wouldn't recognize the mouse. So I went to another computer and it wouldn't pull up the website, so I called the school and left a message hoping that will work. 

 I wasn't giving up on trying to make the day go well so I dressed the kids in the best Christmas stuff I could find and loaded them back in the car.
On the car ride they got a hold of a pen and drew on themselves and their clothes. I turned around and gave up on the idea of Santa pictures.

Its only eleven o'clock maybe the day day change.