Thursday, July 24, 2014

A little privacy

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Afternoon fun

I took out my props and asked the kids to model for me this afternoon. It is always fun watching them laugh and play as I take pictures. They love all the attention. but my lights weren't working so a lot of the shots are full of shadows which is really disappointing.

Simple beauty

On my morning walk I saw this tiny flower in the middle of the overgrowth.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


I read something about forgiveness that was very enlightening.
When we feel hurt by someone we have judged their actions as unjust, and so judge them and criticize them for their actions or words.
That makes so much sense to me. I am hurt because I judged the action or words as hurtful. People will react differently to the same circumstance because of their own moral laws and ideas of fairness.

When we hold un forgiveness we continue to judge that other person. The bible is clear about judging others.

Romans 2:11 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Rather be two then crazy

Driving from the pet store Liz asks why Bethel would want a snake, I piped in quickly that Bethel was just crazy.
Everyone inthe car laughed. The next topic wasnt so funny though. The older boys started arguing about a silly thing and they were going back and forth just voicing the same statement over and over. I became quickly annoyed and told Nathaniel to stop acting like a two year old. Bethel enjoyed that statement and chuckled.
But Nathaniel quickly came back with he'd rather be two then crazy! The whole car errupted in laughter.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Toothless:Liz lost another tooth today :)

Thursday, July 17, 2014


The best time is quiet time. In this house quiet is very rare. This morning I managed to wake before everyone, what joys!

Monday, July 14, 2014

I love the determination I see in my kids. I need to learn from them; to find joy in learning and trying again and again until I get that hoop.

some photographers would cringe at the thought of posting unedited photos......But here are some winter pics I took of the Georgia snow 

My Viking cake was designed from the movie "How to train your Dragon."
Baked an "island", build a candy hut with Kit Kats and then attached Toothless on spikes to appear like he is flying over the island. Kids loved it!!!

Viking party theme

Some Vikings raided my home!